Antonio Silvestro, Yogi open to the pure sharing of HolYoga a Holistic Yoga system that comes out from his own experiences composed of versatile energy techniques, that can be naturally integrated into everyday life.
Come to the Ashram if you wish to eviscerate the 8 Yoga Anga, learning the ethical individual principles, how to relate you with the other sentient beings, explore yourself in comfortable poses controlling the real incorporeal essence flowing through you focusing on what are you doing, overcoming the senses.Meditate and teach your chaotic mind to reach the ecstatic silence.
Acro-Ananda-Anukalana-Ashtanga-Bhakti-Hatha-Oki Do-Vinyasana-Kirtan-Kundalini Yoga, Acupressure, Angels and Archangels 7 Rays 49 Symbols, Auriculotherapy, Ayurveda, Body Building, Dikir Sufi meditation, Falun Dafa, Martial Arts and fighting (Aikido, Boxe, Taekwondo 태권도, Karate, Jeet Kune Do, Judo, Jujitsu, MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Shaolin and Wing Chun Kung fu), Ninjutsu kuji-kiri, Palmar&Plantar Reflexology, Pilates, Reiki, Reconnection Healing, Longevity Energetic, Thai Chi, Qi Gong, Tantric Tandava, 5Tibetans, Shamanisms, Shiatsu, Surya&Chandra Namaskara, Vietnamese massage.
Based on your background you will be coached with peculiar activities aimed to let you integrate naturally Yoga in your life, to let you one day avoid of my guide and spread the perception states felt just living.
Atha yogānuśāsanam अथ योगानुशासनम् (Patañjali – Yoga Sūtra I:1)
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